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Frequently Asked Questions
What is the difference between CREST+ and CREST Physical?CREST+ and CREST Physical are two completely separate services that we offer. Crest+ offers instant access to our state-ranking resources and instructors anywhere, anytime. CREST Physical is our face to face tuition service taught by tutors at our Parramatta and Burwood campuses. Students who enrol in CREST Physical will be able to attend our CREST+ online classes.
How long does each CREST+ enrolment last?Each program enrolment will enable access to our course materials, video lectures, live virtual classes and essy marking services for 12 months. The duration limit starts on the date of purchase. This is to ensure that students are provided with ample time to study the program materials. Program duration access is also 12 months with the purchase of discounted bundle packages. To find more about our bundled discounts, contact us!
Can I get a bundle discount if I enrol in multiple CREST+ courses?Yes! We offer secret bundled discounts and extended course duration access for students who enrol in multiple programs at once. To learn more about our bundled discounts, contact us!
What does the live class component of CREST+ include?Students who enrol in a CREST+ program get access to weekly live sessions with our State Ranking teachers. To join the virtual classroom, navigate to the Virtual Classroom page and click on the Microsoft Teams link. When class starts, teachers will send a link into the Virtual Classroom inviting you to join the online class call!
Are the CREST+ courses recorded or live?CREST+ includes both recorded and live components. Topic content is all recorded and delivered with the accompanying notes made by our state-ranking teachers. This makes it super easy to watch and rewatch videos whenever, wherever. Additionally, there are weekly live online classes where our teachers will cover anything from Q&A, exam technique, essay writing, assignment help, and commentary on contemporary economic events.
Who teaches the CREST+ courses?CREST+ is run by our team of instructors who previously state-ranked HSC Economics. See Our Team for more information. Enrolment in Crest+ provides instant access to all the resources and essays used by our state-ranking team.
How can I get feedback for work (e.g. essays, quizzes, and short answers)?"Upon purchasing a CREST+ course package, students get unlimited essay marking from our state-ranking teachers. Essays and short answer questions can be submitted through our online student portal.
Will I get access to practice exam questions and essays?Yes! All our courses come with full length practice exams, short answer and multiple choice practice questions along with detailed answers. Our Exam Program includes full-length HSC Economics practice exams and exemplar responses. Check out our exam program here!
Will I get access to CREST+ resources if I am enrolled in Crest Physical?Students enrolled in our face-to-face classes will receive the same teaching materials as those enrolled in one of our online programs. If students miss a class, they will be provided temporary access to CREST+ to catch-up.
How can Crest help me with keeping up with statistics and current economic trends?We release statistics and news analysis on our Free Resources and Articles page. Our instructors also hold regular webinars discussing recent economic events and their relevance to the HSC syllabus. Subscribe to our mailing list for free Economic updates!
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