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Specialist HSC Economics Tuition

CREST Classes

We offer face-to-face classes at our Parramatta and Burwood campuses. Our instructors have achieved 97+ in HSC Economics and we have consistently produced state-rankers each year.


Learn from state-rankers anywhere, anytime through our exclusive online platform. Get instant access to detailed notes, exemplar essays, essay marking, and live classes discussing economic events.

Taught by instructors accepted into elite universities.

Repetitive Lines

Access best-in-class tuition anywhere, anytime with CREST+

Access to State-Ranking Notes and Essays

Gain access to the notes and essays our teachers used to state-rank in HSC Economics. 


Watch Full-Length Explanatory Videos

Easily learn from videos that cover the HSC Economics syllabus, essay-writing strategies, and exam preparation tips.

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Live Class Sessions with State-Rankers

Attend weekly live sessions with multiple state-ranking instructors to ask questions and discuss contemporary economic events in greater detail. 


Unlimited Essay Marking and Exam Help

Get quick essay marking and feedback from state-rankers.

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The only specialist HSC Economics tuition centre in NSW.

We have helped hundreds of students achieve top rankings.

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I’m Spencer Hu, the founder of CREST Economics.

​​I state ranked 1st in HSC Economics in 2016 with an ATAR of 99.95 and have taught hundreds of HSC and Preliminary Economics students. Several of my past students have achieved state ranks and many more have scored in the high 90s.


As a past HSC Economics student, I understand the challenges of finding high-quality economics tuition. I know exactly how to game the HSC Economics course and I hope to share those strategies with you through CREST.

Image by Hugh Han

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Himanshu Singh (State Ranked 3rd in HSC Economics 2020)

CREST provided a vast range of high-quality resources including regular economic updates through blog posts and extensive essay plans. Reading resources written by state rankers had undoubtedly influenced my writing style, made me truly understand what 20/20 essays and full mark short answers look like, and most importantly how to apply these learnings in an exam environment. CREST truly unveiled the path to achieving my state rank!

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